Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update from FLOOD last night...

God is on the move.  Last night we continued through our series in James called, "In Your Face," looking at the topic of asking for wisdom during times of suffering.  It was a powerful evening of praise, worship, and studying God's word.  And the best part: we saw 6 people surrender their lives to Jesus.  THAT NEVER GETS OLD!!!

Next week at FLOOD we have baptisms.  We don't have anyone signed up for them yet, but we are trusting that Jesus will work in the hearts and lives of people who come to FLOOD so that they get baptized.  Last month the same thing happened and we saw seven high school students profess their faith through baptism.  I would love to see you come out and join us for this if you can.  It's such a powerful event to watch and such an encouragement for anyone who gets baptized to see as many people as possible there in support.

And finally, I want to encourage you about getting your high schooler(s) involved in RUSH on Wednesday nights at 6pm.  God has put this on our hearts to start to make sure that students aren't falling between the cracks, to see a true sense of community build amongst the high schoolers.  Ryan Palmer is a discipleship juggernaut and already has the staff pumped up to start small groups in February (read his post here).

Thank you again, as I always say, for giving myself and the next gen department here at PFB Church (FLOOD) the honor of partnering with you as you raise your students for Jesus.  We do not take it lightly.  God bless you all as you continue to love your kids for Jesus.


Hello Parents,

I just wanted to post an update about the direction of RUSH for High School Students. The first update is Small Groups are coming to RUSH Wednesday Nights. They will start at 6:30 and go to 7pm right before Flood. Small groups will be separated by grade and gender. This separation style allows for new students to come in and be with students in the same place as they are. I am excited as are the staff to be starting up small groups Wednesday nights and see how God grows the High School ministry. The second thing is what we are doing the first half of RUSH which is Battle Of The Classes. Every week each class will compete against the rest earning points for there class and every five weeks the wining class will get there deserved prize. Dinner for RUSH will happen the 1st Wednesday of each month the rest of the time students should try have dinner before they come. We will do our best to have some sort of snack out each week but can not guarantee that this will always be able to happen. Finally just a reminder that Epic HS Winter Camp Registrations are due Sunday Feb 6th cost is $195 up at Thousand Pines Christian Camp Feb. 25th - 27th. Its going to be an amazing weekend and I am looking forward to seeing how God is going to rock these students on this trip.
Thank you parents for your time, continued support and partnership in the ministry that is happening here @ PFB. Have a Blessed week.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello Parents,

I wanted to take some time to say thank you for all of your support during this time of transition into the PFB family and ministry as well as give you a heads up on some of the things coming up in the High School Ministry. The first thing I would like to talk about is our RUSH program that happens every Wednesday before Flood from 6pm-7pm for HS students only. God has put it on my heart to start planning and preparing to implement small groups into the RUSH program and to use that time to get your kids connected and invested in on a more personal level. Before we move forward with this I will be meeting with HS volunteers and staff members to make sure we can bring this vision to life with a strong foundation.

It wouldn’t be High School ministry without events and we happen to have some planned as well as in the process for the month of Feb. The biggest event coming up of course is the Winter Camp. This years theme is “Epic”. I have found that on these retreats, away from the business of life, students have a chance to encounter and connect with God. The dates for this year’s camp are Friday Feb 25th to Sunday Feb 27th the cost is $195.00 and scholarships are available upon request and approval. We are asking that students have their registration turned in by Sunday Feb 6th. Please take this opportunity to send your kid to camp where they will not only have a great time and get connected but have a weekend full of intentional worship with our God.

These are the events we are planning for Feb. More information will be available for the events soon.

- Feb 6th Superbowl Party – Off Campus

- Feb 18th Broomball – Ontario Ice Rink from 10pm to 11pm

- Feb 25th -27th Epic Winter Camp Thousand Pines Cost $195.00

- RUSH every Wednesday Night 6pm to 7pm before Flood.

Thank you again for all of your prayers, support and for taking the time to partner with us here at PFB and the High School Ministry.

Lead High School Pastor

- Ryan Palmer

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Update From FLOOD

Last night we started our new series, "In Your Face," a verse-by-verse study through the book of James. We looked at James 1:1 (yep, just that one verse).

The result: five people stood up to surrender their lives to Christ. FIVE PEOPLE WERE SAVED!!!!!

I am absolutely blown away with what Jesus is doing. Over the past week we have seen 7 people surrender to Jesus and 7 people get baptized. And last night a young lady told menacing her friend that wants to get baptized at our next baptism service.

Thank you for praying. God is on the move and I can't believe that I get to be part of it.