Monday, June 18, 2012

Dear parents,

This Sunday June 24th we are starting a three-week study during 9:45am high school service examining the topic of integrity. News headlines are filled with stories about noteworthy people who have failed to maintain personal integrity. But our teenagers don’t have to make choices that lead them down the wrong path; they can make a commitment to pursue, develop, and maintain personal integrity.

In this first Sunday, our teenagers will see how Daniel 6:1-5 offers a roadmap for becoming people of integrity. Because of Daniel’s work ethic he was promoted and found favor with the king. We will be encouraging students to realize that they too can make choices and live with the same integrity that Daniel demonstrated. But it isn’t always easy to live with integrity; Daniel’s co-workers conspired against him and even attacked his faith.

If you would like to get a head start on Sundays message as opportunities arise, discuss with your teenager what it might have been like to have been Daniel. Here are some questions that could help launch your discussion:

  • In what areas of your life do you struggle the most in maintaining your integrity?
  • What are some ways you’ve grown in integrity? What choices or decisions or habits have helped you?
  • What’s something you could start doing differently at your job, on a sports team, or at school that would communicate your integrity?

Talk with your teenager about how making a decision to be a person of integrity now will have a huge impact for a lifetime. Have a blessed week!

Monday, June 4, 2012


June 2012

June 6: FLOOD After Hours: Movie Night. (8:30-10:30pm).

June 15-16: 8th Grade Getaway. Incoming freshman only.  Boys-Ventura camping trip. Girls- Beach/sleepover. This is a fantastic opportunity for our new students to get to know their new high school leaders.

June 17: Promotion Sunday. 8th graders join us for the first time in Sunday’s H.S. service.

June 20: FLOOD After Hours: Karaoke Night. (8:30-10pm). B Building.

June 21: High School Flag Football Day. Larkin Park 10am -2pm 

June 24: Final Payments due for Hume Lake Summer Camp.

June 27: FLOOD After Hours: Laser Tag. (8:30-10pm) on campus 

June 29: High School Luau. 3-10 pm.

July 2012

July 8-14: Hume Lake Summer Camp. Cost: $300. There are a few spots left. You don’t want to miss out on the most amazing high school camp experience.

July 18: FLOOD PreParty : Summer Cyclone. (3pm to 5pm).

July 20: Fellowship Friday: Beach Bonfire.

August 2012

August 1: FLOOD After Hours: Movie Night. (8:30-10:30pm).

August 3: Fellowship Friday: All-Nighter

August 10: Fellowship Friday: Six Flags

September 2012

September 8: Ignite Worship Event. PFB Church. Come be a part of igniting a generation for Jesus. All ages are welcome.

Have you checked out our:

FLOOD HS Website

FLOOD HS Parent Facebook Page

If your student does not already attend FLOOD (Wed. nights, 7 pm) or FLOOD High School Service (Sun. mornings, 9:45 am), I strongly encourage them to come. It is a blessing to be your students’ High School Pastor here at PFB Church.

With Joy,

Ryan Palmer
Pastor to High School Students
PFB Church