Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dear Parents,

Over the next six weeks, on Sunday Mornings we are going to examine the life of Jesus through the eyes of one of his disciples, John. In our first lesson, we will study John 1:1-14 and see how Jesus is eternal just like God the Father. Jesus was not only with God when the universe was created, but was and is God the Son.

You can help your student continue to grasp the truths from this week’s conversation by asking these or similar questions:

  • Have you ever tried to wrap your brain around the idea of eternity—and the truth that God has always existed and will continue to exist forever? As humans, can we even truly begin to grasp that idea?
  • John frequently used the idea of Jesus being a light to the world. In what ways is your school or our community a spiritually dark place? What are some things you could do to bring the spiritual light of Jesus to your school or our town?
  • If you were telling a friend that finding life in Christ is the best thing that has ever happened to you, how would you say and explain it?

I want to encourage you and your teenager to read the entire Gospel of John over the next few weeks, which can be done by simply reading one of its 21 chapters each day. Thanks for all your prayers for our Sunday Morning worship service. Have a great week! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dear parents,

This Sunday June 24th we are starting a three-week study during 9:45am high school service examining the topic of integrity. News headlines are filled with stories about noteworthy people who have failed to maintain personal integrity. But our teenagers don’t have to make choices that lead them down the wrong path; they can make a commitment to pursue, develop, and maintain personal integrity.

In this first Sunday, our teenagers will see how Daniel 6:1-5 offers a roadmap for becoming people of integrity. Because of Daniel’s work ethic he was promoted and found favor with the king. We will be encouraging students to realize that they too can make choices and live with the same integrity that Daniel demonstrated. But it isn’t always easy to live with integrity; Daniel’s co-workers conspired against him and even attacked his faith.

If you would like to get a head start on Sundays message as opportunities arise, discuss with your teenager what it might have been like to have been Daniel. Here are some questions that could help launch your discussion:

  • In what areas of your life do you struggle the most in maintaining your integrity?
  • What are some ways you’ve grown in integrity? What choices or decisions or habits have helped you?
  • What’s something you could start doing differently at your job, on a sports team, or at school that would communicate your integrity?

Talk with your teenager about how making a decision to be a person of integrity now will have a huge impact for a lifetime. Have a blessed week!

Monday, June 4, 2012


June 2012

June 6: FLOOD After Hours: Movie Night. (8:30-10:30pm).

June 15-16: 8th Grade Getaway. Incoming freshman only.  Boys-Ventura camping trip. Girls- Beach/sleepover. This is a fantastic opportunity for our new students to get to know their new high school leaders.

June 17: Promotion Sunday. 8th graders join us for the first time in Sunday’s H.S. service.

June 20: FLOOD After Hours: Karaoke Night. (8:30-10pm). B Building.

June 21: High School Flag Football Day. Larkin Park 10am -2pm 

June 24: Final Payments due for Hume Lake Summer Camp.

June 27: FLOOD After Hours: Laser Tag. (8:30-10pm) on campus 

June 29: High School Luau. 3-10 pm.

July 2012

July 8-14: Hume Lake Summer Camp. Cost: $300. There are a few spots left. You don’t want to miss out on the most amazing high school camp experience.

July 18: FLOOD PreParty : Summer Cyclone. (3pm to 5pm).

July 20: Fellowship Friday: Beach Bonfire.

August 2012

August 1: FLOOD After Hours: Movie Night. (8:30-10:30pm).

August 3: Fellowship Friday: All-Nighter

August 10: Fellowship Friday: Six Flags

September 2012

September 8: Ignite Worship Event. PFB Church. Come be a part of igniting a generation for Jesus. All ages are welcome.

Have you checked out our:

FLOOD HS Website

FLOOD HS Parent Facebook Page

If your student does not already attend FLOOD (Wed. nights, 7 pm) or FLOOD High School Service (Sun. mornings, 9:45 am), I strongly encourage them to come. It is a blessing to be your students’ High School Pastor here at PFB Church.

With Joy,

Ryan Palmer
Pastor to High School Students
PFB Church

Thursday, April 26, 2012


This is an amazing opportunity for you to get away from the busyness and distractions that high school students face on a daily basis. You will hear the gospel preached, be challenged through scripture, engage in times of worship, be involved in high energy recreation, and have a camp experience like never before.

Cost: $300 ($75 deposit holds your spot)

Check out this video for a look at what camp at Hume Lake is like:

Don't wait to sign up for this amazing opportunity!
Contact Courtney at (909) 629-5277 x3038 for more info.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Upcoming Events

High School Parents,

We have some great events coming are the dates so you can put them on your calendars.

Dodgeball Night
Friday April 13
6-9:30 pm
Meet at PFB, we will take a bus over to APU and play in their Auxillary Courts.
Competitors: Cornerstone Bible Church and Grace Baptist Church
Dinner not provided, so eat beforehand.

Fundraising Car Wash
Saturday April 14
8 am- 2pm
PFB Church

Quakes Game
Sunday April 22
2:05 pm
Come out and support our high school choir singing the National Anthem!
Meet at the stadium.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Summer Camp 2012 Update!!!

Dear Parents,

I would like to talk to you about summer camp. This summer we will not be going to Bass Lake as done in the past. There are multiple reasons for this change but the biggest two are the timing of when the sites were available, and the lack of resources due to the poor quality of the lake. Bass has been a great trip in the past and God has used it in a great way at PFB. This summer we have a new and exciting opportunity that I am so pumped about. The high school ministry will be going to Hume Lake Christian Camps, July 8th to July 15th. Included is a full week of camp along side 1,000 other students with every meal provided (breakfast/lunch/dinner). In addition, they will be getting a camp t-shirt and DVD. Hume Lake offers powerful worship, a great speaker, paintball, high ropes, kayaking, disc golf and much much more. Normally the cost of Hume is $500 per student, but we are able to charge our students $300. The cost is only $50 more than last year. There are only 43 spots available. Therefore, the first 43 students to register with a $75 non-refundable deposit will secure their spot.

What about the Cost?

We understand that $300 is still a lot of money and can seem overwhelming when paying it all at once. We have come up with a few different payment options that may be more convenient for your family. If you were to do a weekly plan there are 18 Sundays starting from this Sunday Feb 26th 2012, before the final payment is due. This breaks down the cost to about $13 a week after the deposit. If you were to do a monthly plan, it would come out to about $57 a month (March –June) after the deposit. If you were to do a two-payment method it would come out to two payments of about $113 after the deposit. These options are meant to be a resource to you and not meant to be a restriction. The final payment for all registered campers will be Sunday June 24th 2012. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Courtney Romero (909) 629 – 5277 ext. 3038.

Lead High School Pastor

Ryan Palmer

New Sunday Morning Series Update!!!

Dear PFB Parents,

I wanted to take a moment to inform you about the current series we are teaching in the High School Ministry at Pomona First Baptist Church. Currently we are going through the book of Romans and about to end chapter 1, which talks about issues of sexuality and sexual promiscuity. Because this is such an important topic, especially among mid-adolescents, we are going to be in a 5-week series that talks candidly about God’s plan for sex, dating and marriage. Here are the details for the upcoming series:

March 4th: Identity & AdoptionRyan Palmer (this message will lead the students to the understanding that we belong to Christ and that our value and worth is found in the love and grace of God)

March 11th: DatingRyan Palmer (this message is leading students to the understanding of what it means to have proper boundaries, accountability and mentorship for healthy dating)

March 18th: Sex Part 1Ryan Palmer (In this teaching we will breakdown the realities of sex, sex defined biblically and what the world says about it)

March 25th: Sex Part 2Rob Schwandt, Jesse Hunter, Ashley Copenhaver, Courtney Romero (In this teaching panel, the students will be in a discussion of what it means to have healthy boundaries of sexuality, responsibility as a believer to purity and healing for past mistakes)

April 1st: MarriageRyan Palmer (We will be finishing up our series with Gods design for marriage and how students can successfully abstain from sex until marriage)

This series is incredibly important for our high school students. We’re praying for scores of commitments and life-change to the Biblical understanding of sex.

I’m sharing these insights with you so you will know what your student will be hearing, and so you can use them as launching pads for discussion. I also wanted to give you this “heads up” because I recognize some may not feel the timing is appropriate for your teenagers’ specific needs. If this is the case, please feel free to have them attend the adult worship service with you as appropriate.

Thanks for allowing our High School Ministry team to play a small part in God’s plan for your teenager’s life!

Ryan Palmer Lead 
High School Pastor

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Disciple Now 2012 Parent Update

Disciple Now 2012 Parent Update

Hello Parents,

I wanted to thank you for all of your support and prayers for Disciple Now 2012 “The Masquerade”. It was a very successful weekend with over 60 high school students from PFB alone that's more than double the amount we had at last years winter camp. We spent the weekend partnered with four other churches bringing the event attendance to over 300 people. The best part of the weekend was the commitments that were made, we had 10 students make a commitment to getting back on track with Jesus, 7 students recommit their lives to Jesus and 2 give their lives to Jesus for the first time. That was along with 150 other students from the weekend who also made decisions Saturday night. That's what a winter retreat is all about. Thank you for making this new event so successful and for your partnership with the high school ministry.

To view pictures from the event you can go to the website:

Password: Albert (case sensitive)

With Joy

Lead High School Pastor

- Ryan Palmer